MoneyBot5000 Team

MoneyBot5000 Team

The MoneyBot5000 Team is here is to help empower you to take control of your money. Did you know there are potentially billions of dollars being held in state governments? Some of it may be yours! Check out our unclaimed money guides and articles below.

Recent Articles by MoneyBot5000 Team

Unclaimed Educational Scholarships and Grants

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

The cost of higher education continues to rise, tightening the finances of many families and students. Scholarships and grants can offer some necessary relief, yet nearly $100 million in scholarships and $2 billion in student grants go unclaimed annually, often due to a lack of applicants.


Unclaimed Class Action Settlements

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

Unclaimed class action settlements refer to portions of settlement funds from lawsuits that remain unclaimed by eligible recipients. These settlements arise from lawsuits where a large group of people collectively brings a claim to court, often against companies for issues like data breaches, deceptive marketing practices, or banking disputes.


Unclaimed Royalty Payments

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

Unclaimed royalty payments are surprisingly common in industries like oil, gas, and music. Often, these payments go uncollected because of outdated contact info, administrative mistakes, or unclaimed inheritances.


How to Create a Foolproof Budget that Works for You

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

At its core, budgeting is the process of creating a plan for how you’ll spend your money. This financial planning tool allows you to allocate your income toward various categories of expenses and savings, ensuring you can cover all your necessary payments, without living beyond your means.


Unclaimed Traveler's Checks

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

Traveler’s checks were historically used as a secure currency alternative for people traveling abroad, offering protection against loss or theft. They were a popular form of payment for tourists, introduced in 1891 when James C.


Unclaimed Court Funds

MoneyBot5000 Team

By MoneyBot5000 Team

Unclaimed court funds represent money held by courts for individuals who have not claimed their rightful ownership. These funds can arise from numerous legal situations like restitution owed to victims in criminal cases, settlements from class actions, or unclaimed amounts in bankruptcy proceedings.